Restitution is the money a judge orders the offender to pay to the victim to compensate the victim for losses suffered as a result of the crime. Restitution is part of the offender's sentence or disposition and can be ordered in both adult and juvenile cases after the offender is found guilty or pleads guilty. The amount of restitution ordered by the judge depends on the victim's crime-related expenses and the offender's ability to pay.
Who can Request Restitution?
What will Restitution Cover?
What Expenses are NOT Covered?
How to Request Restitution
What is the Difference between Restitution and Reparations?
Crime Victim Reparations is a state program that provides financial assistance to victims of violent crime. Reparations can compensate victims for expenses related to the crime, including medical bills, lost wages, funeral expenses, and loss of support. However, it does not compensate victims for property losses. Reparations can compensate victims regardless of whether the case is charged or successfully prosecuted. In comparison, restitution can only be ordered if an offender is convicted.
Victims of violent crime should apply for reparations even if they are also requesting restitution.
Victims and their families do not have to wait for the completion of any medical, dental, or mental health treatment to apply for reparations. They are encouraged to apply as soon as possible after the incident to accelerate reimbursement.
Claim Forms
Claim forms are available from the Minnesota Crime Victim Reparations Board at: 651-201-7300 or the Office of Justice Programs Online
The Crime Victim Service Coordinator at the Redwood County Attorney’s office can assist with Reparations claims. Community victim advocacy programs are also available to assist.