Noxious Weeds & Encroachment Notice


Rural Redwood County residents are reminded that the Redwood County road rights-of-way spray crew will be spraying from May through October. If you DO NOT want your rights-of-way sprayed (due to ditch hay harvesting), please post a sign at the beginning of the property (stop spray) and at the end (start spray). A map of this area should be emailed to the Highway Department or stop in person at 1820 East Bridge Street, Redwood Falls and we will note the location. The signs should be in place prior to May 1, 2023 and can be removed after November 1, 2023.

Website Wild Parsnip Image

Note: Landowners are responsible for control of noxious weeds in the rights-of-way if they choose to post the signs.

Additionally, landowners are reminded about right-of-way encroachment along County roads. Anyone disturbing the County’s right-of-way markers or anyone disturbing the County’s right-of-way by tilling or spraying an herbicide that kills the right-of-way vegetation will be subject to misdemeanor prosecution pursuant to statute 160.2715. In addition, the landowner will be required to seed these areas as needed.

For more information, contact the Redwood County Highway Department at (507) 637-4056.

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