Archives: Events

Surplus Sale

Redwood County Fair Grounds 201 North Dekalb Street, Redwood Falls, Minnesota

Redwood County is hosting a surplus sale of various office furnishings from the Courthouse for the public. Items for sale include desks, tables, office chairs, file cabinets, shelving, and other miscellaneous items. The sale will be cash and carry only and priced to sell.  All items will be sold as is, and must be loaded […]

Surplus Sale

Redwood County Fair Grounds 201 North Dekalb Street, Redwood Falls, Minnesota

Redwood County is hosting a surplus sale of various office furnishings from the Courthouse for the public. Items for sale include desks, tables, office chairs, file cabinets, shelving, and other miscellaneous items. The sale will be cash and carry only and priced to sell.  All items will be sold as is, and must be loaded […]

Redwood-Brown County Joint Ditch Authority Meeting for JD 5

Meeting is to consider the Findings and Order to Accept the Petition for an Improvement on JD 5 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 890 1454 3964 Passcode: 1028 One tap mobile +13092053325,,89014543964#,,,,*1028# US +13126266799,,89014543964#,,,,*1028# US (Chicago)   Dial by your location +1 309 205 3325 US +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 […]

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