Winter Weather Snow Removal

Depending upon where you live or work, the responsibility of clearing roads may lie with the city, county or private contractors. This process takes time and personnel.

Stay alert for snowplows, which turn or exit frequently and may travel over centerlines or partially into traffic to further improve road conditions. A plow’s sole purpose is to make the roads as clear and passable as quickly as possible. Plow operators have much to monitor and control while on duty, and their ability to see behind them is limited. They travel more slowly than the posted speeds as it is more effective for clearing snow. Their vision can be hampered by the snow clouds they create while plowing, so MnDOT urges drivers to stay at least ten car lengths behind a plow. Be patient and remember snowplows are working to improve road conditions for your trip.

State Highways

Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) plows cover state and U.S. highways including Highways 14, 19, 68 and 71. Plows have cameras which allow the public to see real-time road conditions on the website and mobile apps. Features include crash and detour information, weather alerts, travel advisories and road closures. The average state snowplow route in southwest Minnesota is sixty miles, roundtrip. In good conditions it can take two and one-half hours to clear a route. In difficult conditions it can take up to four hours. In general, plows are out in southwest Minnesota from 3 a.m. to 10 p.m., longer if conditions require. Be aware that it takes time to get roads back to good driving conditions, especially in extreme temperatures.

Snow plows moving snow off of highway
Snow plow parked on highway

Redwood County Roads

In Redwood County, the Highway Department maintains and clears all county roads. With 510 miles to cover, sometimes this can take hours or days depending upon changing weather conditions and amount of snowfall. Drivers work one shift per day (up to 12 hours), not around the clock. Start and end times for shifts are adjusted depending on current and predicted conditions. With long duration snowfalls, county plows may be inactive for brief periods to accommodate staffing and/or severity of the weather event.

City Roads

These communities have their own snow removal equipment and maintenance crews for city streets: Belview, Clements, Delhi, Lamberton, Lower Sioux Indian Community, Lucan, Milroy, Morgan, Redwood Falls, Sanborn, Seaforth, Vesta, Wabasso, Walnut Grove, Wanda.

Redwood Falls:  City streets are plowed with emergency routes being done first, followed by side streets. Key locations such as the hospital and emergency services need to be accessible. The plows may return after one pass through to widen the streets. This can mean driveways or crosswalks will need to be re-cleared. The goal is to get to every street so all residents are able get to work, appointments or other locations.

City of Redwood Falls Plow truck pushing snow on road

Township Roads

Townships are responsible for plowing and maintaining roads in their jurisdiction. Each township has personnel and plans for completing snow removal.

Private Parking Lots

Businesses are responsible for clearing their lots, as well as sidewalks in front of their business.


Homeowners are usually responsible for clearing snow on the sidewalks by their homes.

Use of the information on this website is at the user’s sole risk. The contents are provided as general information for the purpose of education and better understanding of organizations’ roles in winter road way safety.  All information is provided in good faith from a variety of resources based on available information at the time of publishing. The cited organizations make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on this website. Under no circumstances do the organizations represented have any liability for any loss or damage incurred as a result of the use of this website or reliance on any information provided on this website. This website contains links to third party websites. Such links are provided solely for the convenience of users. The user is advised the organizations represented make no guarantees whatsoever as to any information contained on a linked third party website. The use of any information from a linked third party is solely at the user’s risk.
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