County Administrator




Redwood County Government Center
403 South Mill Street, P.O. Box 130
Redwood Falls, MN 56283

Passport applications are processed in person at the Redwood County Administration Office from
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
You can now have your passport photo taken at the Government Center for a fee of $10.00!
No appointment is needed!

  • Routine Passport applications are expected to take 4-6 weeks.
  • Expedited Passport applications are expected to take 2-3 weeks.



A normal passport may take up to 4-6 weeks.  If you are leaving in less than 6 weeks, you may expedite the passport application (2-3 weeks processing time) by paying an additional $60.00 expedite fee per passport.  This fee is in addition to the cost of the passport.

*Mailing times are not included in processing times. Processing times only include the time your application is at one of our passport agencies or centers. The total time to get your passport includes both processing and mailing times. It may take up to 2 weeks for applications to arrive by mail at a passport agency or center, and up to 2 weeks for you to receive a completed passport in the mail after agency prints it. Consider the total time it will take to receive your passport when you are booking travel.

For passports needed in less than 2 weeks, call the Minneapolis Passport Agency to schedule an in person appointment.  (877) 487-2778


Updated 10/4/24

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Passport Details

    Bring the following items to the Redwood County Administration Office at the Government Center:
  2. Passport Application – DO NOT SIGN IT!!!
    Fill in the application with black ink only. (DO NOT USE WHITE OUT ON THE APPLICATION or cross anything out.  You must start over!)
  3. Certified Birth Certificate from the County or State Level.  (Not hospital certificate or Notice of Registration from State.)  Certified Copy has to include:  Name, Date of Birth, and Date of Filing.
  4. Passport picture.  (Available locally at Redwood County Government Center for a fee of $10.00)
  5. Valid driver’s license or State ID required for Identification.
  6. Minors under age 16 must appear with BOTH parents and both parent’s must have a Valid driver’s License.

Renewal Information

  1. You must submit expired passport.
  2. You must have been at least 16 years of age when the most recent passport was issued.
  3. Your most recent passport was issued less than 15 years ago.
  4. Uses the same name as most recent passport or has proper documentation to prove name change. (Marriage Cert., divorce decree, etc.)
  5. Need to send in your old passport and new passport picture (Redwood County can take your passport picture)
  6. Fill out the application in BLACK ink only.  Do not use whiteout or cross anything out on the application.
  7. Fee $130.00 – you mail everything in yourself!

Passport Book Processing Fees

Ages Regular Fees Expedited Fees
Adult: (16 & over)$130 CHECK to: US Dept. of StateAdditional $60.00
$35 Cash or Check to Redwood County
Under 16$100.00 CHECK to: US Dept. of StateAdditional $60.00
$35 Cash or Check to Redwood County

Passport Card Processing Fees

Ages Regular Fees
Adult: (16 & over)$30 CHECK to: US Dept. of State
$35 Cash or Check to Redwood County
Under 16$15.00 CHECK to: US Dept. of State
$35 Cash or Check to Redwood County

Additional information on passports can be obtained at or call the Administration Office at (507) 637-4016.


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