Redwood County Sheriff's Office Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Redwood County Sheriff's Office to provide remarkable public safety and public service to the citizens of Redwood County and others that visit or travel through it. We are committed to the protection of life and property; public safety is our unwavering priority. We are accountable to our citizens to provide the preservation of peace, order, and safety; the enforcement of laws and the safeguarding of citizens' constitutional guarantees. Everyone interacting with the Redwood County Sheriff's Office staff will be treated with dignity, respect and fairness. We are driven to enhance the quality of life and foster a sense of safety and security within Redwood County, its communities and individual residents. We will nurture public trust by holding ourselves to the highest standards of professionalism, performance and ethics, by embracing strong community-oriented policing philosophies and by working with government officials, other public safety entities and the citizens that we serve.
Redwood County Jail Information
The Redwood County Jail is located at 303 East 3rd Street in Redwood Falls, Minnesota. The Redwood County Jail is connected to the Redwood County Law Enforcement Center. Please use the entrance location on the east side of the building.
Permit to Purchase or Transfer a Firearm
Under Minnesota law, handgun transfers involve any sale, gift, loan, assignment or other delivery to another person. If you possess a valid permit to carry a handgun, that permit constitutes a permit to purchase. You don’t need to apply for a separate permit to purchase.
Application Process
Applicants must:
- Apply in person
- Be 18 years old to acquire or possess a handgun or military-style assault weapon. (Federal law requires you to be 21 years old to acquire handguns from licensed dealers).
- Fully complete a state application. The law enforcement agency to which you apply will conduct a series of background-related checks to assure you meet the eligibility requirements established by state law. Once those checks are complete, a permit will be issued that is valid for one year and may be used to purchase a handgun statewide.
A person who is otherwise ineligible for a permit due to a criminal conviction but who has obtained a pardon or expungement setting aside the conviction, sealing the conviction, or otherwise restoring applicable rights, must submit a copy of the relevant order when applying.